Monday, October 10, 2011

Word Illusion

Long ago, Bob Dylan told us that "the times, they are a changin'". I think maybe it is come to be that the times are changing. The words of our language can be foolers, used by the tricksters of deceit or by those representing literally the reality expressed. The truth is, as stated in the heading of this blog, change is the constant, nothing remains forever. Then still as humans, we desire to remain constant or consistent. We do cling to an understanding that things shall remain constant, in the very least within our own private spaces, our own private lives, but this in fact, is merely an illusion. It could be that the statement, of Dylan's, times changing, is actually no big deal, yet we in that moment of the early 1960's, as well as in the now, wanted the change embodied so strongly that we believed this big change has to come, and thus the words expressing the need, are captured, in an iconic form within his words. Those words carry the same kind of illusion as the one we maintain in our personal lives.

Another example of an iconic illusion is held and used in the flag pin worn by politicians. The flag pin actually means nothing, it is more like a club that plays follow the leader, attempting to promote an illusion of patriotism by those who wear it, though in reality, lacking any true honesty or significance as evidenced by their passing of the patriot act. The patriot act has the name "Patriot" as a false symbol, suggesting that it is about the values held or otherwise represented within and by America and her people. Yet the actual truth is otherwise. The Patriot Act, turns away from the constitution as it was originally meant to be, weakening it, and likely in itself, unconstitutional. The rights as lain out in the bill of rights, has been weakened, or otherwise subverted. I notice that there is always a flag pin on the lapel of politicians and an actual flag behind the President in any media presentation, speech, as though we need a reminder that he is representing the US Government. Can we really forget? This is another illusion though not of words but of image. It is like having a US flag in ones presence expresses patriotism or something that should be held with esteem, or somehow sacred. Yet I could sleep with a flag used as a blanket for holding my personal heat, keeping me warm through the night. Such an act would be equal in its effectiveness to bring about change or stand for anything of significance. A flag is simply an icon, a chunk of cloth not much different than the cloth we make our clothing, our sheets and blankets of. It is an image and an icon, no greater than the one which holds space in this web browser representing this blog. It is we humans who come to hold such things as valuable. Yet my dog sees none of it as meaningful. It can't be eaten to sustain life, though it could be used as a play toy to chew on, or as a blanket. I think Pal is correct.

These are a couple of examples of how humanity can be led to believe an illusion. Granted, some illusions hold stronger significance in the human psyche than others. After all I am actually talking to and of humanity rather than my pet. The actual icons provide greater recognition to most, than the words of an artist, in a song or written within a text. Take the Statue of Liberty for instance. It holds a representation of freedom or America, like no other symbol that I am aware of. Yet an illusion through the use of symbols, or icons such as flag-pins, to those captured by them, are in fact bits of poorly analyzed thought, trickery or even outright falsehood.

I am wondering what kind of symbols or icons are arising from the Occupy Wall Street movement (#OWS). Having somewhat spoken to the illusions that can come from icons and symbols, I can only hope that if an iconic representation does develop that it will hold a lasting and consistent meaning, easily and equally understood by all who see it. The movement is about justice and equality for all, something that I hold with esteem. This cause is worthy of an iconic symbol, lasting for its due course in time, similar to the peace sign that came from the '60s. Similarly, there have been some people showing up in solidarity with the movement who have become somewhat iconic in their own right as people with known causes. Over this past weekend I saw 3 of them. Bill McKibben, co-founder of and possibly more importantly Slavoj Zizek, a well spoken philosopher, talking with the people at Zuccotti Park (Liberty Plaza)*. Someplace on the net, I also saw Ralph Nader speaking to a crowd in Washington DC about the movement, showing support to their cause (though in this moment I can't remember where I saw Ralph). There is unity between the diverse causes of these individuals and the Occupy _ cause, where ever it is. Still mainstream media is portraying the movement as a fringe collection of yippy dippy, unorganized, clueless, individuals, having no leader. The media's continued desire to thwart any acknowledgment that there could be validity in a cause, "of, by, and for, the people", that doesn't fit within their own corporate scheme, is likely to cause them great financial harm in the long term. Thus the group of occupiers have developed and are building on their own media outlet, making sure the story does get out, though in real time rather than according to a false schedule.

Just this morning I heard one individual within the "media" sub-group, expressing how they are going to better implement coverage in the coming days. The message will get out to the populous in spite of a lack of understanding or will to cover the movement by mainstream media. In the end the changes to the world could be very broad and effective to the betterment of its entire population, inclusive of the 99%

*I have finally come to the understanding that Zuccotti Park and Liberty Plaza are the same location.

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