Personally it is not a good day for me, just one of those days . As I sit here today writing this, I am multi-tasking, writing this while watching and or listening to the Global Revolution broadcast at Occupy Wall Street broadcasting from Liberty Plaza, New York, New York. It is definitely a unique moment in history. I am of a want to see a personal fulfillment of the hope I hold within myself, as to democracy, real democracy, as was written in the U.S. Constitution by those uniquely thoughtful people during the last half of the 18th century.
What I see now that Michael Moore is on scene in the moment speaking on the livestream broadcast. Michael Moore has changed my personal evaluation of his works over the past year to being more positive than previously. Probably a misinterpretation on my own part, because I strongly object to the conflict style of antagonistic interviews I have seen in some of his previous works.
Though I wish to avoid being stuck in and on such a topic. The real thing is the Occupy Wall Street movement. That and the banjo picker/ singer they are showing in this moment, live in Liberty Plaza. I see a vary diverse group of people gathered together on display for all to see, were they to participate actively or vicariously as I do. The truth is not all people are able to show up.
I feel as though I am merely rambling on today, saying little if anything, as I have no agenda or wish to express any specific thing. As I opened with, it is not a good day for me. My pain levels are high today, so I am staying low profile with a hope that it will pass along with (but before) the big change comes to our system of government. I enjoy the diversity of opinion and more particularly the unique expression of individuals, like the guy now, calling this a revolution of consciousness.
I am smiling at least! So I will sign off and continue watching, listening, reenforcing my own hope.
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