Yesterday I spent the entire day watching the global activities of protest on my computer screen. From across the planet, humans joined in solidarity with the movement to create a better society for all. Most of the mainstream media continues to rebuke the cause because their sponsors are the reason for the unity. They are dictated to by the 1 %. These 1 percenters are expressing the same kind of fear-mongering that brought about the War on Terror, the dismantling of the Constitution with the Patriot Act and an establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. Although, barring the potential for instating martial law across the world, the cat has been taken out of the bag. We all know cats can't be herded and now with so many cats and kitties occupying public places these few (1 %) are going to find they can feel the majority. Now the New York Times, a sort of quasi independent voice has somewhat crossed over. Yesterday they published a rather good article about the movement, Article.
Last night I spent a bit of time reviewing to myself the events I saw in the day which I had not previously written about with the intent of writing about what I knew for me to be highlights. Now I have mixed feelings as to taking that avenue because it is all done now, in history, in as in the past. I would rather be alive in the moment as to reviewing yesterday. There is opportunity for professionals to write up the stories of yesterday. I also know that the media group of #OCW are compiling good data in video form that can do a much more accurate job of expressing the events that occurred, as they are on the front lines, with their video feeds, cameras and qualified history tellers.
I do continue my own solidarity with the movement, because "We Are The 99%", deserving of a fair opportunity in equal human rights. I am gaining a better understanding of why, police brutality and unjustified behavior, is taking its place highly emphasized among #OWS's everywhere. It is because a majority in the police are acting as mindless puppets, acting without personal consciousness while dealing with their equal counterpart in our human society.
Here is a link to all the
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