Thursday, October 6, 2011

Knowing We Are Right!

From my home in Idaho where the rain falls today I sit and contemplate the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Together movement. It is a quiet time here the early autumn, rain falling, the gold and orange showing in the leaves outside my window, and I am quiet in my physical suffering, though today is a bit better than the past 3 days. Even listening to Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" as pleasing to my ear as it is, proved itself too much stimulation, for my ability to concentrate on this writing, thus I have the silence, with the rain outside, and I find myself remaining in alignment with the growing movement in New York City and elsewhere. I have no real way to participate other than writing and staying informed through the Internet. I am thinking on poems that are aligned after hearing some astounding meter in the news this morning.

It is disturbing to know that the corporate media refuses to touch the movement with a fair and open commentary. Instead they seem determined to skirt the reality that is in the streets of the nation, playing the movement down as a bunch of uninformed people, easily swayed by the whims of their piers. The reality actually is that these participants are far from the picture painted by main stream media. The group is comprised of a very diverse segment of society having a broad, informed understanding of both knowledge about and the integrity in, their right, their rights, and the justness in this cause.

I was astounded to hear one comment from a demonstrator of yesterday stating something like this, "I will believe that Corporations are people with the rights of people, when Texas executes one of them!" It is this sort of awareness in the state of our Nation which is at the core of the movement. It is not on the fringes but rather in the middle of reasoning which has caused people to come out. We are fed up with the way the system works.

Personally I believe, and what I believe to be a majority of the public believe, find that trying to be heard through the traditional means as set up in the Constitution, having representative government, is not working any more. I write to my representatives in both houses of the Congress to find that I am simply rebuked. The replies to those letters, that I do receive, are not even germane to what I wrote, as though they didn't even read them. How can a representative form of government work in such a case? Thus, we are unable to bring about what we the people know is needed through the constitutionally designed means. There is nothing more that can be done within the traditional system. We the people know that our representative form of government is now the bought and paid for form of government and we will no longer stand for it! The streets are the only way to be heard and to the streets people go. Were I able, I would be there also, though I am not, so I write with the hope of bringing just one spark to one person who can go out to the streets and stand there for me.

I think this is all from me today,

Stay strong out there, we know, we are, RIGHT!

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