For the past year I continue hearing the phrase "on the right side of history". I have my own point of view which seems strong and justified. I think that no person or government, can say what side of history, any current event or position will eventually settle on, because history is told from a distance by the winning side. When I here statements that this movement is on the right side of history is simply based only in current opinion rather than fact. The same holds true of the US President, stating that the move to attack Libya put us on the right side of history. One can always hope their side, their decisions and their activities place them on the preferred path, though history itself is different. We can but choose a path which has kindness and understanding at its core. Personally I can not condone the use of violence and war as falling into the realm of the right side of anything, and certainly lacks qualification into what I consider justice.
Without a smooth transition, I'll switch topic to the Occupy movement. The #OWS movement passed through another trial of virtue this morning, early. It is apparent that many thousands showed up in the predawn hours to support the movement, allowing their continued occupation of Liberty Plaza. The corrupt, in their ivory towers are fearing the potential success in this movement. The big rally scheduled for tomorrow OCTOBER 15 has the establishment on edge. Their own security inside their fake world is at stake. I think that is why there was a stand over occupation of Liberty Plaza in the past days. The excuse of "Cleaning The Park" was shown to be the scam it actually was, well maybe. At least there was no confrontation by the Police brought about by Brookfield Properties and Mayor Bloomberg over that possession of space.
The issue in this moment (while writing this) is out on the streets in the business district. The throngs of occupiers left Liberty after the morning decision, and headed out to march somewhere in the business district(?) There are thousands of people marching down the streets. It seems there is some confrontation between NYPD and the public now. NYPD is trying to force the people to the sidewalk while they themselves are blocking the streets, standing in the very streets they are contending it illegal to stand in. Hmmm, I thought it was that we were all equal?
One major blessing inside the unity of the movement is the active representation by members of the National Lawyers Guild. This mornings reversal of New York City's intent to evict the protesters, through the "fake" reason of cleaning, had been determined as illegal. I believe this is a part of the puzzle which determines the real direction as the moments unfold. Although Liberty Plaza was donated by Brookfield Properties (supposedly owned by Zuccotti) whom has official ownership of title, the jurisdiction of the property was allocated to the City under its Parks Department. That fact is the reason that this company can not at will change the rules on the area known now as Liberty Plaza. There is a line of legality that must be adhered to by all, including the law enforcement organizations who have jurisdiction, where ever they may be. That line is being crossed over by law enforcement in many places and on many occasions, as it interacts with the Occupy movement throughout the USA.
The live stream is having issues this morning. I can see how it is a very difficult task for them to actually keep the stream going at this point. They are using the new technology of the age, yet it is an amateurish presentation, in that they seemingly lack the ability to display a good, consistent stream. They are doing their best, though they may have too many fish in the pan. I don't know from here, it looks as though they are disrupting the stream themselves in their makeshift control room, and or there are too many functional problems with the various digital units deployed out on the streets. Then too they are using Microsoft Windows too, at least some within the group are. I would consider that to be one of their main issues. Windoze is consistently, problematic, has been from its start and likely shall continue until its ultimate, eventual, demise. Of course I am one who likes free items created for the better good of mankind. That is why I now use Ubuntu's Linux system. It works so well, is safe and free. Freely made for the betterment of mankind. Still what ever the interruption in the stream is, and despite my unfulfilled desire to see more, I am very thankful and commend these folks and their efforts. Without them I would be far more ignorant than I am. The spread of information, freely and unedited has a great value. So to all of them, thank you.
To all others actively participating in the movement, Thank You! Stay Strong, Stay United, Expand Your Unity Inclusively!
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