Saturday, October 15, 2011
Julian Assange, London UK
Find your local Occupy movement's video: Occupations page
Live Long, Stand Strong,
The Day People Stood Together
Hours have passed and finally at least has started showing live fed stream (I think) from a march in NYC. I don't know where they are as I was interrupted by a very lengthy telephone conversation, and here is the phone ringing again! Sigh!
When looking for updates on the morning events in NYC, I found some facts pointing to other world wide protests. Also I found that Julian Assange (founder of Wikileaks) addressed a group somewhere in the UK. I was able to see a little clip of it, though not what I think is the actual presentation I would expect from him. He is in my opinion one of the world heroes of today, a living legend in his own time. I'd post what I found if I felt it worth doing so, thought he quality was so low as to not clearly convey a message.
I found a video from yesterday on the mainstream media, an interview with Michael Moore on MSNBC. It is typical of Michael, well informed and in alignment with the people, the 99%. We Are The 99%.
Currently the Global Revolution live stream is bouncing from various places. It was in NYC then now New Orleans, oops back to NYC. The occupywallstnyc is still showing re-runs, sigh!
It is my understanding that there shall be a convergence of marchers from various groups converging on Time Square at 5 PM Eastern Time. Hopefully all will remain peaceful as is the intent of the demonstration. From what I see the NYPD is congesting traffic, both foot and auto, more than all the protesters. Yea, the Occupied Wallstreet Journal is on sale.
It is my hope that people around the world as in the USA will continue the upraising. We need a global revolution. The people need equality, justice and autonomy. Find and follow the purpose of bringing about the change! Stay Strong, support Democratic principles, the Right to speak your mind freely, the right to protest, all by doing it. Take Money out of the pockets of the politicians.
Friday, October 14, 2011
One Before, The 15th
Without a smooth transition, I'll switch topic to the Occupy movement. The #OWS movement passed through another trial of virtue this morning, early. It is apparent that many thousands showed up in the predawn hours to support the movement, allowing their continued occupation of Liberty Plaza. The corrupt, in their ivory towers are fearing the potential success in this movement. The big rally scheduled for tomorrow OCTOBER 15 has the establishment on edge. Their own security inside their fake world is at stake. I think that is why there was a stand over occupation of Liberty Plaza in the past days. The excuse of "Cleaning The Park" was shown to be the scam it actually was, well maybe. At least there was no confrontation by the Police brought about by Brookfield Properties and Mayor Bloomberg over that possession of space.
The issue in this moment (while writing this) is out on the streets in the business district. The throngs of occupiers left Liberty after the morning decision, and headed out to march somewhere in the business district(?) There are thousands of people marching down the streets. It seems there is some confrontation between NYPD and the public now. NYPD is trying to force the people to the sidewalk while they themselves are blocking the streets, standing in the very streets they are contending it illegal to stand in. Hmmm, I thought it was that we were all equal?
One major blessing inside the unity of the movement is the active representation by members of the National Lawyers Guild. This mornings reversal of New York City's intent to evict the protesters, through the "fake" reason of cleaning, had been determined as illegal. I believe this is a part of the puzzle which determines the real direction as the moments unfold. Although Liberty Plaza was donated by Brookfield Properties (supposedly owned by Zuccotti) whom has official ownership of title, the jurisdiction of the property was allocated to the City under its Parks Department. That fact is the reason that this company can not at will change the rules on the area known now as Liberty Plaza. There is a line of legality that must be adhered to by all, including the law enforcement organizations who have jurisdiction, where ever they may be. That line is being crossed over by law enforcement in many places and on many occasions, as it interacts with the Occupy movement throughout the USA.
The live stream is having issues this morning. I can see how it is a very difficult task for them to actually keep the stream going at this point. They are using the new technology of the age, yet it is an amateurish presentation, in that they seemingly lack the ability to display a good, consistent stream. They are doing their best, though they may have too many fish in the pan. I don't know from here, it looks as though they are disrupting the stream themselves in their makeshift control room, and or there are too many functional problems with the various digital units deployed out on the streets. Then too they are using Microsoft Windows too, at least some within the group are. I would consider that to be one of their main issues. Windoze is consistently, problematic, has been from its start and likely shall continue until its ultimate, eventual, demise. Of course I am one who likes free items created for the better good of mankind. That is why I now use Ubuntu's Linux system. It works so well, is safe and free. Freely made for the betterment of mankind. Still what ever the interruption in the stream is, and despite my unfulfilled desire to see more, I am very thankful and commend these folks and their efforts. Without them I would be far more ignorant than I am. The spread of information, freely and unedited has a great value. So to all of them, thank you.
To all others actively participating in the movement, Thank You! Stay Strong, Stay United, Expand Your Unity Inclusively!
The Morning Decision
For the uninformed, the powers that be, are threatening the people who are using their rights to free speech. These powers have the desire to have the protest end, with the people leaving this location so close to the heart of corruption and greed. I guess the Major, Mr. Bloomberg went to deliver a message to protesters, (Mr. Bloomberg acting as the delivery boy for the park owners). This group of the powerful, has conspired to change the rules with their intent to remove these peaceful people. There is an article on this conflict in the New York Times on line right now, here
It seems the company has backed down from their plan as it appears that there are many thousands of people in Liberty Plaza this morning. The local unions came out in force I guess. I see it as a great moment. I have a smile.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The 1968 Olympics, Subversion Of Expression
This morning watching a news piece with John Carlos on Democracy Now, I was stunned to realize the power of his expression on that day during the that Olympics Metals ceremony, during the Summer Olympics Games in Mexico City, 1968. The interview shown from that day, directly after the awards ceremony was stunning to me. The message he stated at that time seemed (in this moment) to be one of a person beyond his years. I found it hard to believe that a man of that age could hold such a profoundly large and clear message. In pondering that for but a few brief moments, I realized that, unlike myself, he and his counterpart Tommie Smith had struggled in their lives as African Americans living in the USA. Their own struggles were far beyond anything I have experienced in life. I had none of those struggles. I saw none of it personally. Having my own very narrow view and exposure, I had no need to actually consider the struggles of others in that way, at that age. The Media of the day reported it as inappropriate and a gesture, singularly representing Black Power. I personally fell into their trap like a hungry fish taking to the hook. I was ignorant, and I was subject to the racist notions within my surroundings and the times. This picture
was shown by the media and stated to be a monument of disgraceful behavior, rather than telling the real story as expressed by John Carlos in an interview later that day. The mainstream corporate media, then as now, show the people what they, the media want them to know, rather than telling an unbiased truth, depicting what is actual and real in our world today.
Tommie Smith and John Carlos both sacrificed their futures in athletics, along with the benefits, there in. Due to their strongly symbolic acts on that day, expressing their view of inequality and injustice, harming no-one nor any actual physical thing, the prejudice reaction in the media took away their message, never allowing it to be heard or even defended. Their act was treated in a scourging manner with utter disdain. They are actually in my mind heroic. Heroes that I had not acknowledged as such, until today, all these years later. I saw John Carlos on the livestream from Liberty Plaza, in New York City I think on Monday this week. He told his story in brief that day, from what I saw of it. That brought my attention to focus briefly on his act though still I didn't understand. I had to cut through my own misunderstandings, my own beliefs and the dissonance within my own memory before I could bust through the image as and expression of Black Power, and my own prejudices, before I could actually understand. Now today I realize that the statement was not that which I learned it to be by the Media and through the biased opinions of my piers in the late 1960's. These biases are slow to dissolve when the personal onion is kept whole. As I peal back the layers of my own learning, to realize some of the falsehoods I have grown into, I can discard those needing removal, for the lack of credibility in some instances.
This is these same types of injustice, the same types of inequality, between all the people, and the economic power system running our planet, that has created the Occupy Wall Street movement that is uniting many peoples as human today. We the 99% want to see a recognition that the better good of all replaces the greed of the few.
Yesterday I saw a protester's sign. I thought the message impressive. I adapted its message to be more fitting to me, yet the essence remains true to the message.
Corruption fears us
While honest folks support us
The heroic people join us.
We are the 99% ____________
* -The following definition is used under the terms of the GNU General Public License
The Webster definition is:
Ignorant Ig"no*rant, a. [F., fr. L. ignorans, -antis, p. pr. of ignorare to be ignorant. See Ignore.]1. Destitute of knowledge; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened. [1913 Webster]
He that doth not know those things which are of use for him to know, is but an ignorant man, whatever he may know besides. --Tillotson. [1913 Webster]
2. Unacquainted with; unconscious or unaware; -- used with
[1913 Webster]
Ignorant of guilt, I fear not shame. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
3. Unknown; undiscovered. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Ignorant concealment. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Alas, what ignorant sin have I committed? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
4. Resulting from ignorance; foolish; silly.
[1913 Webster]
His shipping,
Poor ignorant baubles! -- on our terrible seas,
Like eggshells moved. --Shak.
Syn: Uninstructed; untaught; unenlightened; uninformed;
unlearned; unlettered; illiterate. -- Ignorant,
Illiterate. Ignorant denotes lack of knowledge, either
as to single subject or information in general;
illiterate refers to an ignorance of letters, or of
knowledge acquired by reading and study. In the Middle
Ages, a great proportion of the higher classes were
illiterate, and yet were far from being ignorant,
especially in regard to war and other active pursuits.
[1913 Webster]
In such business
Action is eloquence, and the eyes of the ignorant
More learned than the ears. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
In the first ages of Christianity, not only the
learned and the wise, but the ignorant and
illiterate, embraced torments and death.
[1913 Webster]
-- From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
adj 1: lacking general education or knowledge; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions" [syn: nescient, unenlightened, unlearned, unlettered]
2: ignorant of the fundamentals of a given art or branch of knowledge; "ignorant of quantum mechanics"; "musically illiterate" [syn: illiterate]
3: lacking basic knowledge; "how can someone that age be so ignorant?"; "inexperienced and new to the real world" [syn: inexperienced]
4: used of things; lacking sense or awareness; "ignorant hope"; "fine innocent weather" [syn: innocent]
5: lacking knowledge or skill; "unversed in the jargon of the social scientist" [syn: unversed] [ant: versed]
6: lacking information or knowledge; "an unknowledgeable assistant" [syn: unknowledgeable, unknowing, unwitting]
Monday, October 10, 2011
Word Illusion
Another example of an iconic illusion is held and used in the flag pin worn by politicians. The flag pin actually means nothing, it is more like a club that plays follow the leader, attempting to promote an illusion of patriotism by those who wear it, though in reality, lacking any true honesty or significance as evidenced by their passing of the patriot act. The patriot act has the name "Patriot" as a false symbol, suggesting that it is about the values held or otherwise represented within and by America and her people. Yet the actual truth is otherwise. The Patriot Act, turns away from the constitution as it was originally meant to be, weakening it, and likely in itself, unconstitutional. The rights as lain out in the bill of rights, has been weakened, or otherwise subverted. I notice that there is always a flag pin on the lapel of politicians and an actual flag behind the President in any media presentation, speech, as though we need a reminder that he is representing the US Government. Can we really forget? This is another illusion though not of words but of image. It is like having a US flag in ones presence expresses patriotism or something that should be held with esteem, or somehow sacred. Yet I could sleep with a flag used as a blanket for holding my personal heat, keeping me warm through the night. Such an act would be equal in its effectiveness to bring about change or stand for anything of significance. A flag is simply an icon, a chunk of cloth not much different than the cloth we make our clothing, our sheets and blankets of. It is an image and an icon, no greater than the one which holds space in this web browser representing this blog. It is we humans who come to hold such things as valuable. Yet my dog sees none of it as meaningful. It can't be eaten to sustain life, though it could be used as a play toy to chew on, or as a blanket. I think Pal is correct.
These are a couple of examples of how humanity can be led to believe an illusion. Granted, some illusions hold stronger significance in the human psyche than others. After all I am actually talking to and of humanity rather than my pet. The actual icons provide greater recognition to most, than the words of an artist, in a song or written within a text. Take the Statue of Liberty for instance. It holds a representation of freedom or America, like no other symbol that I am aware of. Yet an illusion through the use of symbols, or icons such as flag-pins, to those captured by them, are in fact bits of poorly analyzed thought, trickery or even outright falsehood.
I am wondering what kind of symbols or icons are arising from the Occupy Wall Street movement (#OWS). Having somewhat spoken to the illusions that can come from icons and symbols, I can only hope that if an iconic representation does develop that it will hold a lasting and consistent meaning, easily and equally understood by all who see it. The movement is about justice and equality for all, something that I hold with esteem. This cause is worthy of an iconic symbol, lasting for its due course in time, similar to the peace sign that came from the '60s. Similarly, there have been some people showing up in solidarity with the movement who have become somewhat iconic in their own right as people with known causes. Over this past weekend I saw 3 of them. Bill McKibben, co-founder of and possibly more importantly Slavoj Zizek, a well spoken philosopher, talking with the people at Zuccotti Park (Liberty Plaza)*. Someplace on the net, I also saw Ralph Nader speaking to a crowd in Washington DC about the movement, showing support to their cause (though in this moment I can't remember where I saw Ralph). There is unity between the diverse causes of these individuals and the Occupy _ cause, where ever it is. Still mainstream media is portraying the movement as a fringe collection of yippy dippy, unorganized, clueless, individuals, having no leader. The media's continued desire to thwart any acknowledgment that there could be validity in a cause, "of, by, and for, the people", that doesn't fit within their own corporate scheme, is likely to cause them great financial harm in the long term. Thus the group of occupiers have developed and are building on their own media outlet, making sure the story does get out, though in real time rather than according to a false schedule.
Just this morning I heard one individual within the "media" sub-group, expressing how they are going to better implement coverage in the coming days. The message will get out to the populous in spite of a lack of understanding or will to cover the movement by mainstream media. In the end the changes to the world could be very broad and effective to the betterment of its entire population, inclusive of the 99%
*I have finally come to the understanding that Zuccotti Park and Liberty Plaza are the same location.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Saturday Has Questions And Answers
I realize it is very easy for me to criticize from where I sit in my own ignorance far away from the front lines and lacking the technical skill that it takes to make those things happen. I don't mean to sound offensive if in fact I do. I simply want to have a good source of information so I am able to stay informed from afar.
I guess the other thing I don't like is seeing the violence from the police being repeated again and again. I realize that there is a story in the observation of Police Brutality, yet, it doesn't support the issue of "we are the 99%". That is the big picture of the cause. It describes the bad apples of society, though it is only a fragment of the real story, people, we are the 99%, joining together in a just cause!
Hopefully I will find a means to stay apprised of the protest across the country as well as in the Wall Street area, accurately and with expedience.
The live stream is working better today! Yea!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
No Form, No Mat
Last night I watched the livestream from the OccupyWallStreet encampment in what I now seem to believe has a different name than what I previously understood the name to be. Zuccoti Park maybe also be known as Liberty Plaza, though of this I am truly uncertain. I have been looking at google maps with the hope of finding that actual location of the encampment, but alas I remain unsure. The images I see from the live stream don't seem to correlate with what I see on google maps when searching for liberty plaza. I am probably missing something, somewhere in my ignorance.
I did want to report on what I saw last night on the live stream. Now to make a point clear, I don't much care for hip hop as a genre for listening, not only that, but I have declared for my own preference that I don't like rap at all. That being said, I watched and carefully listened to Tailib Kweli's performance last night (on the live stream) and was totally enthralled by his skill at word play as well as the message he presented. His piece that he called "Distractions" I thought to be excellent. It is kind of strange how my thought in regards to that art form and my reaction to what I heard are in such contradiction. I have attempted to find a video of that piece out on the internet today. I found some of it though not the entire piece which is to me a disappointment. Now hopefully someone will post that piece in its entirety soon so I can further analyze his lyric. I am now left with that dissonance in myself about that form of art. It could simply be that I was caught up in the moment though I truly believe it was more than that. What I did find posted on line is.... Well blow me down, a new fresh search has presented the video!!! so here it is: YouTube video YES. So I will listen to it again after I am finished here. The clip is apparently what I recall seeing last night and the durration for time shown seems fitting to my memory.
Now I am no longer disappointed as stated above. I can say that the No Form, No Mat is appropriate to the result of what I have written. It seems to me but rambling along, without a format.
I do hope the movement continues its current snowballing effect. I noticed on the occupy together site this morning that there are currently over 900 groups in different Cities across the nation active in the demonstration at this time. To me, the growth is both refreshing and produces an internal happiness within. I strongly hope that it is the beginning of real change in the country and the world at large. We The People deserve more than we are able to connect to now.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Knowing We Are Right!
It is disturbing to know that the corporate media refuses to touch the movement with a fair and open commentary. Instead they seem determined to skirt the reality that is in the streets of the nation, playing the movement down as a bunch of uninformed people, easily swayed by the whims of their piers. The reality actually is that these participants are far from the picture painted by main stream media. The group is comprised of a very diverse segment of society having a broad, informed understanding of both knowledge about and the integrity in, their right, their rights, and the justness in this cause.
I was astounded to hear one comment from a demonstrator of yesterday stating something like this, "I will believe that Corporations are people with the rights of people, when Texas executes one of them!" It is this sort of awareness in the state of our Nation which is at the core of the movement. It is not on the fringes but rather in the middle of reasoning which has caused people to come out. We are fed up with the way the system works.
Personally I believe, and what I believe to be a majority of the public believe, find that trying to be heard through the traditional means as set up in the Constitution, having representative government, is not working any more. I write to my representatives in both houses of the Congress to find that I am simply rebuked. The replies to those letters, that I do receive, are not even germane to what I wrote, as though they didn't even read them. How can a representative form of government work in such a case? Thus, we are unable to bring about what we the people know is needed through the constitutionally designed means. There is nothing more that can be done within the traditional system. We the people know that our representative form of government is now the bought and paid for form of government and we will no longer stand for it! The streets are the only way to be heard and to the streets people go. Were I able, I would be there also, though I am not, so I write with the hope of bringing just one spark to one person who can go out to the streets and stand there for me.
I think this is all from me today,
Stay strong out there, we know, we are, RIGHT!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Day Watching
What I see now that Michael Moore is on scene in the moment speaking on the livestream broadcast. Michael Moore has changed my personal evaluation of his works over the past year to being more positive than previously. Probably a misinterpretation on my own part, because I strongly object to the conflict style of antagonistic interviews I have seen in some of his previous works.
Though I wish to avoid being stuck in and on such a topic. The real thing is the Occupy Wall Street movement. That and the banjo picker/ singer they are showing in this moment, live in Liberty Plaza. I see a vary diverse group of people gathered together on display for all to see, were they to participate actively or vicariously as I do. The truth is not all people are able to show up.
I feel as though I am merely rambling on today, saying little if anything, as I have no agenda or wish to express any specific thing. As I opened with, it is not a good day for me. My pain levels are high today, so I am staying low profile with a hope that it will pass along with (but before) the big change comes to our system of government. I enjoy the diversity of opinion and more particularly the unique expression of individuals, like the guy now, calling this a revolution of consciousness.
I am smiling at least! So I will sign off and continue watching, listening, reenforcing my own hope.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Growing in awareness
I refuse to watch television as a method of gaining information any more as there is little actual non-bias information available within the broadcast media available to me. I won't pay to watch commercials, I mean what are commercials for anyhow. The premise of commercial advertisement was devised to cover the cost of programming, so now there are these middle-man-companies, known as providers asking exorbitant amounts of money to gain the privilege to watch commercials. I won't go for that! And here where I live, broadcast television is limited to one ABC channel and two PBS channels. Even PBS is now pumping out commercials so I have quit watching TV for the most part. Now Saturday evening for the first time since, maybe June, I did suffer through commercial television in order to watch a college football game. The commercials are now easy for me to mentally block out as I know the propaganda agenda used to create them.
I gain information about the world through the Internet for the most part. Democracy Now I have found as a good stepping stone in gaining information of importance. From there I have found other information sites I've come to rely on where the details can be discovered. I use sites from many global sources, sometimes using the translator program provided by Google. No Fox Snooze here, though from time to time I see a video clip here or there, which is generally used as an exhibit of their miss-information.
I found the site Occupy Wall yesterday, to my pleasure. It seems they are far more organized than I imagined. Can you imagine, a long term demonstration with a written agenda for each day! I was impressed. They even have a live stream from the Occupy Wall Street encampment. It is tremendous. It is powerful. It brings me hope that the crony nation government of corruption may be turned into a government of, for, and by, the people as it was meant to be at its inception.
Chores are calling me. Time runs short as the rains are due to start tonight. It is good, though I am not ready.
Rain drops fall to water flowers,
Tear drops fall in waking hours,
Earth and sky are calling me,
Hours fly, tiz time to see,
Hearts are broken from all the greed,
On the streets some beg and plead,
While others call for justice,
The Cops just want to bust us.
They too should find they're with the many,
Their pension plan, dollar to penny,
Stand up today.
Stand in your right.
It is a task for justice' fight,
It can't done as a couch potato,
So out the door, with words like Plato.
Keep up and join the peaceful fight. We have to win because it's right!
I think the poem above is rather corny, but it is like practice for things to come, so I do it and do it, that practice thing.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Someplace To Start
I include myself as
"ONE OF THE 99%"
There is more that can be said,
There is more that can be done,
Life is more than having fun,
Sitting in the sun or going for a run.
Put down the gun and open your eye,
Time shall still fly, not knowing why,
Joining together, when we all try,
We will tell them, we are why, they have what they do.
We will tell them, we are all tired, sick and tired of what they do.
To take from us, to keep they do,
We are through, letting them do,
Do what they do.
I consider what I can do from here far from any metropolis, where the birds are free to sing and eat the gifts of nature, Maybe it is just for me to write, to become more aware, by paying attention, then writing more. Savethehomeland not the game, but one of the above domains mentioned, has links to the vital documents that formed the United States of America. If you have forgotten about democracy and what it means, it means to participate or loose it. So let's take back what is rightfully ours.