Saturday, December 17, 2011

Occupy on the radio WBAI NYC

It is a new day and the general brilliance of Occupy is continuing to be brought to the forefront. Case in point is that I am listening to the streaming broadcast of WBAI radio where currently Lou Reed is speaking along with a couple of others. It is brilliant on many levels. I will post this now and amend it later as new stuff gets out and in my brain.

So it is a happy day hearing this stuff on the radio (via the Internet, due to living in Idaho). There is so much truth in what I hear here. The truth of the Occupy Movement is very basic because most people live their lives struggling and are now pinched by the problems of the day. There is so much struggle and strife for the general public now days. The economic injustice is hitting us all, where and how we live. The movement is growing and though the actual physical occupation of spaces has been squashed to a large degree, the tactic is now moving away from holding space physically for many reasons, though it is adapting in a way that continues to bring the masses of protesters out to the streets on given days to support and protest specific issues on specific days.

The protesters of NYC remain, strong and bring their message to the world. Listen to WBAI radio as shown above, today. It is worth while! Looks like they are going to stop traffic on Canal Street, maybe, if I understand correctly. The police are of course trying to suppress.

It is cumbersome staying up to date with the occupy movement across the nation with the black-out in force by the general media. But I try, and I attempt to share the small amounts of information I can find. Now in truth I could type stuff here all day long, never finishing because there is always something new and important. The fact is I do have somewhat of a life, where as I have a will to continue living and doing things of my personal goals. My music composition is important to me, a time consumptive process to be involved in.

The radio is very good to hear. I generally avoid radio entirely, as I now also avoid television, because for the most part those media outlet sources no longer present the real news in favor of their very selective info-tainment programming. They want to put their own view. Wow now the radio is talking of the same thing I was just writing!

Life is about living, and I am on my way. Stay strong Occupy, Where Ever You ARE! Learn of the truth. Go to Occupy Wall Street dot org and maybe more importantly watch the live stream presentations that can be found at Occupy Streams dot org. Again stay strong and if not already, become informed with real information.


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