Friday, November 25, 2011

Still Recovering

I am still fighting the virus, and lack the energy to stay strongly informed about what is going on with Occupy Wall Street. Hopefully I will regain my strength and ability to strive in keeping up. Today I did find a very good article in The on line edition. This article, written by William Greider will appear in December 12th issue of "The Nation Magazine." I find the article to be worth the read, found here. I also found a video from November 12, held at "The New School in New York City," and sponsored by "The Nation Magazine. Included in the panel are: film maker Michael Moore; Occupy Wall Street organizer Patrick Bruner; member of the Applied Research Center and publisher, Rinku Sen; journalist, William Greider; and Author Activist, Naomi Klein. This conference was called "Occupy Everywhere: On the New Politics and Possibilities of the Movement Against Corporate Power." It is worth the time to see, or I considered that to be the case personally. The entire panel discussion is found here.

I believe the movement might be taking a short and well deserved recess. There are events planned, and so I believe the movement will again be gaining both strength and participation in the days to come.

99 %

Shall again ring out through the streets of the nation, because it is true!

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