Sunday, May 6, 2012

Springs loss from a winter of defeat

Spring 2012 has shown up with a huge loss of "the big Mo" carry over from the late fall and winter's devastation. The State has effectively shut it down through many schemes, from the outlawing of occupation of live-in-camps to an infiltration into the core of the individual groups. I can find but a small amount of information now days as compared to last fall, when trying to find out what is happening today. The live-streams that were so powerful in the fall have all but evaporated. They are still there, although they are with near nil content and viewership. Where is the UneditedCamera, Lorenzo? I miss the voice, the power of your rich content. It could be that I am simply missing it, through my looking at incorrect times of day or weeks, though when I now look, where is it. Truly I have not been looking nearly as much for the reason that there is little content to be found, little draw to keep me on the track of that deserving focus. I found this video this morning while watching today. Chris Hedges' interview (below) is quite telling.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The American Spring is Building

I suggest that the article from Truth Out's, Kevin Zeese, from March 23, 2012, be read by all. With the season of spring comes the American Spring and a strong possibility for the change imagined over the time period since September 17, 2011 brought on by the occupy movement. Many lessons have been learned since September 2011 that will add to the brewing hope, as spring weather allows greater comfort for the movement to again take to the streets.